Best Product Reviews:
Make Every Man Want You More
Audio Course By Amy Waterman & Marie Forleo
I get the opportunity to review a number of dating and relationships products that come across my desk, and all of them look the same. They take you in hand and tell you how to talk, how to dress, how to act, what the latest dating rules are, and their mystery technique that is going to guarantee you success. It might be a secret technique, a way of standing out, or the knowledge of what men REALLY want, as if we didn't already know. I was recently talking to Amy Waterman of 000Relationships.com and she told me that she had something new to look at, and I really hoped it wouldn't be like the courses I had just described. I was pleasantly surprised!
At last, something that doesn't teach women to act like men or play dumb like bimbos. This is a course for real women, women with minds and intellects, women who want to attract men without compromising their integrity. Amy Waterman, author and host of "How To Be Irresistible To Men," "Seduction Genie," and a host of other relationships resources, has joined forces with Marie Forleo, author of "Make Every Man Want You (Or Make Yours Want You More.)"
Amy and Marie are both big names in the relationships market, and it is quite exciting to see what they have created. The result of their collaboration is "Make Every Man Want You More," a course that answers the real questions that real women have about making dating, commitment, and modern relationships work. I loved listening to their lessons on hot topics like:
- How to Be Irresistible Now
- The Essential Tools Every Modern Woman Needs in a Modern Dating World
- Keys to Creating Instant Attraction
- How to Authentically Get and Keep His Attention
- No-Fail Topics to Talk about with Any Man
- Deadly Dating Mistakes that Turn Men Off
Marie and Amy have cleverly incorporated the concept of "living in the moment" or "living in the now" into their course. Authors and thinkers from Eckhart Tolle to Wayne Dyer have discussed this concept widely, and now Marie and Amy have taken this concept and applied it to the dating world. It seems to work, and I was hooked on what they had to say! Most other courses train people to believe that having a relationship is what is going to bring you happiness. It's not. You are looking for a relationship because you want one, not because someone tells you that you need one. Marie tell us how your irresistibility lies in this moment, because this is where life happens. It's not about aiming towards creating happiness in your future; it is about making it happen in this moment. This is a course that teaches the philosophy of being fully engaged in your life, being fully awake, and conscious.
This course is a refreshing look at attracting men because it doesn't start by trying to "fix" you. It doesn't assume you are "broken," which makes me want to read more. It asks you to acknowledge your past, but not to be defined by it. Every moment you are in is said to be brand new, has never happened before, and will never happen again. If you are able to get into this mindspace with Marie and Amy, real changes are going to take place.
Marie and Amy's "Make Every Man Want you More" answers the big questions about life and love from women who want more from their life and want a change to their dating success, but don't want to buy into the "rules" of dating, or play games. I almost feel that Marie and Amy really identify with their customers, rather than speaking down to them. I find that style really engaging, and a refreshing departure from courses that make you feel really bad about what you have done in the past. It's time to let your past go and live in the moment, according to Amy and Marie. That's a great way to keep me interested.
When I took the time to get into this course and listen to the audio tracks and read through the workbook, it really came to me that this course has the potential to transform lives. It actually encourages readers to be more self-aware, more present in the moment, and more fully participative in life and relationships. Any course that combines these principles with dating advice is worth my recommendation. The audio quality is really nice and clear for an online audio course too, which really gets a thumbs up from me.
In addition to the 4.5 hours of audio, you get a 125-page workbook and bonus interviews, including an interview with podcaster and personal coach Emily McKay, better known for her work in "X and Y On The Fly" and "Online Dating Profile Rating." They tackle some really interesting topics like dating over 50, dating as a single mom, and hearing your biological clock ticking.
"Make Every Man Want You More" is the solution you've been looking for if you are looking for ways to let your past go and focus on what needs to be done today. Making every man want you more starts today, and before the end of the first lesson, you'll realize why the future you dream of isn't so far away at all.
Check out Amy Waterman and Marie Forleo's "Make Every Man Want You More" at:
Make Every Man Want You More
And start living in the moment, starting now!
All the best,
Jenny Newman

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Make Every Man Want You More!